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Saturday, January 24, 2015


If you do not have a plan for what you are trying to accomplish, chances are you will never get there. There is absolutely nothing wrong with creating a road map of where you want to go. Being aware of what you want to accomplish and how you plan to get there are crucial steps and most likely the most important ones in the process. Having your goals mapped out from the start will help you stay on track and will bring you back around if you ever get lost. 

Top 2 Questions-
What are you trying to accomplish?
How are you planning to accomplish it?

Remember: When you leave your house and you get in the car, you already know where you are going. You know what highways to take, what turns to make, and sometimes what streets to turn on to avoid traffic. You don't get in the car and just start driving hoping that the car will take you to your destination. 

The truth is that everyone plans, most of the time we don't even notice it! Learn to become alert of your planning and you will become better at it, resulting in a higher percentage of goals achieved.

#Strategy #MakingGoalsReality #RoadMaps #EveryonePlans


  1. Planning= Success!

  2. Reality check ! We need planning for everything !
    And we probably do plan for everything except one thing !
    Have you planned how you will get to build a stronger relationship with God ?
    That requires a road map as well, we are talking about everlasting life !
    Love your posts
