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Thursday, January 29, 2015

No Rush.

Sometimes good things take time. Don't get discouraged if you do not get instant results or rapid success. If things were meant to be quick, then there would be no journey. No stories to tell. No lessons learned. 

#takeyourtime #goodthingscometothosewhowait 

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Enjoy The Fall.

Don't waste time worrying about when or how you will fall. Enjoy your time and if you trip and fall, simply get back up and try again! At least next time you will  know where you went wrong and what you can do to improve. 

Remember: Without any falls, there would be no room to grow! 

#lifehasitsbumps #enjoythefall #tryagain

Saturday, January 24, 2015


If you do not have a plan for what you are trying to accomplish, chances are you will never get there. There is absolutely nothing wrong with creating a road map of where you want to go. Being aware of what you want to accomplish and how you plan to get there are crucial steps and most likely the most important ones in the process. Having your goals mapped out from the start will help you stay on track and will bring you back around if you ever get lost. 

Top 2 Questions-
What are you trying to accomplish?
How are you planning to accomplish it?

Remember: When you leave your house and you get in the car, you already know where you are going. You know what highways to take, what turns to make, and sometimes what streets to turn on to avoid traffic. You don't get in the car and just start driving hoping that the car will take you to your destination. 

The truth is that everyone plans, most of the time we don't even notice it! Learn to become alert of your planning and you will become better at it, resulting in a higher percentage of goals achieved.

#Strategy #MakingGoalsReality #RoadMaps #EveryonePlans

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Do not be an accessory to a situation you would never want happening to you.
What goes around comes around... make sure you choose wisely!

Remember: Sometimes when someone wants to do a bad thing, it is easy to be pressured to joining in the act. Just as easy as it is for one lit candle to light another.

#Karma #DoTheRightThing 

Thursday, January 15, 2015


There are several things in life that you can control and plenty that you cannot. 
Just like when you travel by airplane, in life, you  might have a smooth ride or a pretty shaky one. For the most part you can't always predict how the ride will be, but thats ok. Why is it ok? Because if you cannot control the ride, you can at least control how you will react. 
Always remember that even when life gets shaky, you can still manage to get by. Everything is temporary and what today might seem endless, will eventually pass. Likewise when experiencing a smooth path in life... enjoy every second of it, because you never know when you might hit some turbulence!
Try to live in the present but always think about the future, especially when experiencing a tough situation. If you focus on what will come after this tough time, you will be able to remain strong and get through it.

Remember: some people might react to turbulence differently than you. You might know of people who barely even notice it and others who are just constantly waiting for it to happen. There is no right or wrong way on how to handle turbulence as long as you find a way to get through it.

How are you handling the turbulence in your life? 

#fastenyourseatbelt & #enjoytheride

Monday, January 12, 2015

Be You.

If you are constantly trying to compete with what someone else has, you will never truly be happy with what you've got.
Learn to give thanks & learn to enjoy what you already have!

#lifeisshort #behappy 

Friday, January 9, 2015

Practice Makes Perfect.

In the end, it is not about how long it took you to get there... it is about the experiences you went through and what you learned. When people fail at something they often get discouraged and tend to quit, however, the majority of the people who became masters at something failed multiple times. 
Take each failure as a lesson to get better for the next time and never forget everyday that passes you get closer to your goal.


Thursday, January 1, 2015


Wishing you a fantastic New Year!
