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Saturday, November 29, 2014


Not everyone is able to set a strong foundation for their life from the start. Some of us are better at it than others. For example: some people grab different parts of the structure at different times and build their fort of life at their own pace, while others start from the bottom up. Regardless of how you choose to build your fort, you must always remember the foundation. Without a strong base, your structure will collapse. Maybe not right away, but eventually it will weaken.

It is never too late to add a strong base to your fort. Even if your windows have already been set in place, you can still manage to set the tone of your construction. Always remain positive and never forget about the little things that surround you, as these are often the ones that will strengthen anything no matter how big or small the structure is.

Take for example the picture to the right... All we see is the huge wire cables and steel eyebars, but those screws that are naked to the eye, are some of the most important parts that are helping this bridge sustain itself. 

P.S If you ever run into a person whose foundation might be missing, be patient and remember not everyone builds the same way.


Friday, November 28, 2014

Gentle Persistence.

Are you dealing with someone who just won't open up to you? Are you tired of wondering what he/she is thinking? Sometimes we have to be the ones to open up the conversation and invite people in. No matter how mad it makes us and no matter how many times we have tried. The key to getting people interested in you is by becoming interested in them. Take some time to focus on what he/she is doing. Ask about them and learn about them.. this will help make people feel interesting to you and will start to open up more and more.

Practice silence and you will see how much that person has to say.


Thursday, November 27, 2014


Be thankful everyday. 


What are you thankful for?

Different Paths.

Only you know your plans. Only you know where you are headed. Do not let anyone or anything change your path. There will be people in your life who might want to bring you down, but you have to remember that just because they once fell and never got up, it does not mean you have to let them drag you down with them. 

Be strong and smart to realize that you are your own person, therefore, you are in charge of steering the wheel.

Most importantly... be confident in the path that you have chosen!

#determinationandpositiveness #weallweardifferentshoesandwalkdifferentpaths

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

You define yourself.

Those days when you find yourself thinking about the past. Those days when you think about how you could of done things differently. Those days when you come to realize that not everything goes as planned. Those are the days when you need to remind yourself that your past does not define who you are, but it does prepare you to be the person you are working on becoming. 

Life is not always easy, but if you take a moment to look at yourself, you will see that every inch of who you are connects to a certain point in your past. Not all memories are sweet, but those that are bitter also count. 

Do not let your past define you, let it teach you how to become better so that you can learn to define yourself.

You are stronger today because of yesterday, and you will be even stronger tomorrow because of today.
