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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Challenge #2

Don't waste your time hating people, things, and/or places... Hate, hate. Not anything else. We can accomplish more if we do one thing at a time than nothing at all. Every small move counts. Whether it is passing on a smile, sharing positive advice, or lending a helping hand to others... it counts! The opportunities are endless. Don't wait for it, start now!

Question of the day: What have you done today to help others?

#ittakesone #nohate #lovelife #loveothers

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Challenge #1

Challenge of the day:

Refrain from loving "things" and focus on loving people. How many times a day do you find yourself saying "I love this TV show" or "I love these shoes"? I bet if you actually count the times, you will loose track. We weren't made to love things, we were made to love one another. So today, take some time to let those who are important to you know how much you love them. That is real love! The rest is just plastic. 

#loveoneanother #sistersforever #family #friends

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Thoughts To Live By.

Stay positive
Be thankful
Say please & thank you
Don't judge
Love without limits
Trust in God


Watch the world send back its regards.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Separate Yourself.

It is becoming harder for people to identify themselves and truly be who they want to be. The pressure in today's society to be a certain way, act a certain way, and dress a certain way is overwhelming. People of all ages are forgetting who they truly are and who they want to become. Try to not get caught up in the web of following these trends that might not necessarily be something you would follow if it was not trending. Instead, focus on who you are and find out what sets you apart from the rest. In the end, this is what will differentiate you from the noise.

Trends dissolve over time, but your personality will continue!

In a world so busy, how are you standing out? 

#beyourself #loveyourself 

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Role Models.

Looking for a role model? Have you ever considered starting that search from within? 
Every time I hear someone speak about finding a role model, they usually have another person on their radar. These people never think of themselves. Why is that? Do they not think they can be as successful? Yes, granted, that person might be going through a situation that is making them feel like it might be better to follow someone else's footsteps rather than their own, but they should know they can do it too. 
Leading by example is the best way to think about this. Instead of looking for a role model, take some time to think about why you are looking up to that particular person. Think about what you can do to become the role model that you are looking for. After all, you are your own person and only you know what you are going through and looking for, therefore, think about the qualities and/or success that you are looking for in a role model and become it. Transform into your own role model, steer your life into the path you are looking for!

Example: Take a look at the picture above. Instead of spending time looking through the glass, take a step back and focus on the bigger picture.

#BecomeYourOwnRoleModel #LeadByExample #TheOpportunitiesAreEndless

Monday, February 2, 2015


Don't waste your time wondering if the grass is greener on the other side. Don't get stuck trying to figure out if someone else is producing more crops than you. Instead, worry about what you can do to get yours to that point. Most importantly, focus on what you can do to maintain your grass green and your crops growing.

#thisisyourlife #enjoyit #liveit